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Friday 26 September 2014

Perl Interview Questions

Below are some perl interview questions which will be usually asked in a technical interview:

  • Difference between my, local and our in perl.
  • Difference between use and require in perl.
  • Perl referencing and dereferencing.
  • write regular expression to test a string whether the string is proper IPv4 address or not.
  • write regular expression to test a string whether the string is proper Email address or not.
  • How to Create objects in perl using bless?
  • What is the use of bless function in perl?
  • Questions on some perl function to manipulate and access arrays like shift, unshift, push, pop etc.
  • How to create a package in perl?
  • How to import packages in perl?
  • How to run Linux or windows shell commands from a perl program?
  • Explain Different Types of variables in perl.
  • Difference between list and hashes.
  • Write a program in perl to parse a file and print specific values.

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