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Tuesday 23 September 2014

How to perform SSL operations using JMeter

Apache JMeter is mostly used when we need some number of threads to perform certain operations on different servers like LDAP, HTTP etc.
As most of the servers support secure operation i.e. using SSL (Secure Socket Layer), so we will have to perform SSL operation using jmeter over LDAPS,HTTPS etc.
As JMeter is written in java, so jmeter uses the java keystore known as cacerts. To perform SSL operations using jmeter, you need to add ca self signed certificate of the target server in java keystore.
NOTE: The below steps can be used for both Linux as well as windows platforms.

How to add CA self signed certificate in java keystore:

First, Download the CA self signed certificate of target server to local machine in der format (say cert.der).
you can use java's keytool[.exe] to add cert.der to java keystore.

keytool[.exe] -import -alias <some name> -noprompt -storepass changeit -keystore <cacerts path> -trustcacerts -file <cert.der path>
After running above command, CA self signed certificate is added to java keystore. Now, Apache jmeter will use this certificate to perform SSL operation on target server.

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