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Monday 29 September 2014

Apache JMeter: How to create summary Report from jtl or csv file created by JMeter when executed from command line

Mostly you will need to execute jmeter in non-gui mode because of following two reasons:

  1. To automate execution of jmeter.
  2. To perform more number of operations per second: In non-gui mode, jmeter threads do not need to print data on jmeter gui.
For more information on Executing jmeter on command line,

After executing JMeter from command line, Jmeter will create a result file with extension as jtl or csv which will contain results from all operations performed by JMeter. A sample for this files is given below:
1401098796403,149,Bind,0,Success,Bind once Search - Unsecure 3-17,text,true,247,0
1401098796403,210,Bind,0,Success,Bind once Search - Unsecure 3-16,text,true,248,0
1401098796448,166,Bind,0,Success,AMD - Unsecure 1-10,text,true,249,0
1401098796514,100,Bind,0,Success,AMD - Unsecure 1-12,text,true,250,0
1401098796538,83,Bind,0,Success,Bind once Search - Unsecure 3-24,text,true,246,0
1401098796417,205,Bind,0,Success,Bind once Search - Unsecure 3-9,text,true,252,0
1401098796490,131,Bind,0,Success,AMD - Unsecure 1-11,text,true,250,0
1401098796403,223,Bind,0,Success,Bind once Search - Unsecure 3-11,text,true,250,0

But mostly, you will need a .csv result file which will look like summary report of JMeter and will provide information like total operations of different types, error %age etc. This csv can be opened with openoffice calc, Excel with seperation as comma.

To Create this summary report, you need a jmeter plugin.

To Download JMeter plugin, visit and download or whichever latest version is available.


  1. Extract to JMeter installation directory i.e. main directory of jmeter which contains Bin,Lib etc.
  2. Restart JMeter to load new plugins.
So, by now you have installed the jmeter plugins required. This jmeter plugin will create required script JMeterPluginsCMD.bat in <jmeter_loc>/lib/ext/.

 Executing JMeterPluginsCMD.bat:

JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv <summary report with path> --input-jtl <jmeter result file created> --plugin-type AggregateReport

JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv SummaryReport.csv --input-jtl Results.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport

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